Financial literacy is an extremely important skill in life. But based on different studies, many people have huge gaps in their financial knowledge.
I am determined to change this. By creating
useful and practical finance courses and seminars for both adults and children,
I'm able to help more people become more successful in life.
Courses and seminars for adults
I focus mainly on team building events and seminars as a benefit for employers.
With financial literate person is much smaller probability of personal financial crisis, which can negatively affect also his/her work performance.
Employers can learn from my seminars for example:
- How to prepare financial independency and long time rent
- How to correctly finance estates
- If, what and how to insure effectively
- How to correctly diversification investment portfolio
- How Nobel foundation works with investment portfolio
- How to invest to real estates
- And many many more....
Next to classic seminars it is possible to prepare mentioned team building events. Most popular is kind of moderated group game, where participants in 2-3 hours of gameplay experience how is it to rule finances of standard family through 30 years. They will see in action almost all of mentioned themes in this simulation and see how bad decisions in either of them can affect their far future.
Courses and seminars for children:
I can prepare lecturing cycle for your school or any other group.
Children will find out on my seminars:
- Basics in personal money management
- Diference between bad and good loans
- To know pros and cons of different basic types of financial products
- To know about basic possibilities and risks of different types of investing
- To think about financial planing and about financial responsibility
It is possible to set lecturing cycle based on your own wishes and ideas. It is possible to realize one time seminar for specific theme or to schedule komplex seminars cycle over few days.